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    Experience the Flavors of Italy at Juliano's Pizzeria

    Experience the true flavors of Italy at Juliano's Pizzeria. Our menu is filled with traditional Italian dishes and our warm atmosphere will make your dining experience unforgettable.

    Julianos Pizzeria

    Open today: 05:00pm - 08:30pm

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    About Us

    Welcome to Juliano's Pizzeria

    At Juliano's Pizzeria, we understand the importance of using only the freshest ingredients. That's why we source our produce locally, ensuring that our dishes are always fresh and flavorful. We are also committed to using traditional techniques, such as hand-kneading our dough to create the perfect crust on our pizzas.

    Discover the authentic taste of Italy at Juliano's Pizzeria in our menu witch includes a wide variety of traditional Italian dishes, from classic pizzas to homemade pasta dishes, all made with the freshest ingredients and traditional techniques.

    At Juliano's Pizzeria, we pride ourselves on providing a warm and inviting atmosphere, friendly service and an unforgettable dining experience. We are located in the heart of SE Queensland and are considered one of the best Italian restaurant in the area.

    Our menu features a wide variety of options to suit every palate, from classic Margherita pizzas to hearty meat or seafood based pasta. Whether you're in the mood for a piping hot pizza or a bowl of pasta, we've got you covered.

    Visit us today at Juliano's Pizzeria, and treat your taste buds to the flavors of Italy. We're sure you'll love our authentic Italian cuisine and friendly service.

    Buon Appetito!